Turn Key Solutions

Versicor’s turnkey solution provides a model based rapid control system development tool that allows engineers to quickly create software, which runs on any Versicor-enabled control module. Our platform provides a full featured, multi-core operating system that exceeds the most demanding requirements for reliability, performance and data safety & security.

The ability to bring exciting new products to market quickly is the advantage of the Versicor product line.

The Versicor platform offers rugged Electronic Control Modules (ECMs)
for medical applications.

The ECMs are enabled by a model-based control system development tool that allows engineers to quickly create software within Simulink®.  Intended for extreme environmental conditions, our ECMs are durable and completely sealed, making them suitable in a wide range of applications. They meet full production environmental and packaging requirements.   Over, one million ECMs are currently in the field.

Our ECMs are economical both in small quantities for rapid prototyping and large quantities for production. They range from 24 pins to 128 pins and come with 16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors including the HCS12, MPC5XX, and MPC55XX.

Versicor’s proven portfolio of pre-developed hardware, software, apps, website integration and broad partnerships allows developers to focus on application design and functionality. Our platform provides a full featured, multi-core operating system that exceeds the most demanding requirements for reliability, performance and data safety & security.

For customers with existing hardware solutions, we also support custom hardware with our tools and software.

The Versicor product family contains an embedded operating system and ECU hardware. ControlCore® Embedded is a production validated Operating System with an interface for the MotoHawk Control Software development system.


In combination with the MotoHawk Studio tools the Versicor family of products allows you to build your concept quickly, working off of production hardware and OS.   This enables fast software iteration and testing as you move to production.  This rapid feedback loop allows you to improve the software as you go and to ensure the end-customer needs are exceeded. A rapid pace of build-measure-learn loops requires continuous integration and deployment and test driven development.

Implementation in Simulink rather than c code allow for rapid deployment and testing.  This powerful combination of automated code generation and a configurable production ready OS.

ControlCore Embedded is used inside Versicor’s ECU family. It contains the following functions:

  • RTOS
  • BIOS
  • Networking
  • CAN, RS-232, etc
  • Application Libraries

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Versicor is the one platform you need to start building your device today.

Whether you are an established firm seeking the toolset to leave your competition in the dust, or a start-up who until now didn’t believe getting from prototype to production was financially viable —

Contact Versicor today to get the conversation started.


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